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Does anybody think that the problems with the fog and the air traffic control problems before that have had made the possibility of expanding Heathrow more or less likely to happen ?
(12/12/2013 18:40)wirralbus Wrote: [ -> ]Does anybody think that the problems with the fog and the air traffic control problems before that have had made the possibility of expanding Heathrow more or less likely to happen ?

At the end of the day it will be a political decision. But yes susceptibility to fog should be a factor in any decision.

Incidentally Gatwick seems to be even more vulnerable to fog because of its position.
The rebuilt Terminal 2 is due to open on 4th June next year. Basic details are available here, but the last I heard the transfer of flights to T2 will be gradual.
(14/12/2013 17:07)Metroline1511 Wrote: [ -> ]The rebuilt Terminal 2 is due to open on 4th June next year. Basic details are available here, but the last I heard the transfer of flights to T2 will be gradual.

This is to try and avoid some of the mistakes that happened when Terminal 5 opened up.

One of the problems with Heathrow though is anything out of the ordinary causes delays so a gradual introduction will allow all the ancillary services to bed in slowly before full service .
Due to a computer failure at Swanwick all London Airspace is closed until approx 1900 , this is going to cause untold problems for a number of days as we are starting to see the build up for the great Christmas get away.
Services resumed about an hour later but major disruption still continues
Heathrow was 70 years old yesterday .

I think now most people are just waiting to see whether they are allowed to expand to a third runway . If this third runway does happen there is going to be some major work on the motorway network as the M25 will have to go into a tunnel with all the consequent roadworks associated .
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