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Full Version: Volvo B10M Alexander PS - For sale request
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Does anyone know if there are ex stagecoach volvo b10m single deckers for sale anywhere in the uk? Thanks
(01/12/2013 20:50)MPTE1021 Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know if there are ex stagecoach volvo b10m single deckers for sale anywhere in the uk? Thanks
There are some advertised on Peoples Bus's website as well although I don't know how current that advert is. He certainly still has one or two in the fleet.
(03/12/2013 20:45)126th street Wrote: [ -> ]There are some advertised on Peoples Bus's website as well although I don't know how current that advert is. He certainly still has one or two in the fleet.
PeoplesBus still have one in service, but I'm afraid to say that it's not available for sale!
(01/12/2013 20:50)MPTE1021 Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know if there are ex stagecoach volvo b10m single deckers for sale anywhere in the uk? Thanks

East Scotland have a number of PSs on their disposal list.
We may have a ex Stagecoach PS for sale in the next month or two if still interested?
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