Does anyone remember the advertising livery K107 OHF used to carry around 1995-ish? I remember it being green but can't remember the subject of it.
Any photos would be great as well!
Remember travelling on it on the 274/275.
Interesting post mate. A green and white livery seems to ring a bell with Liverbus around 1994/95 but I can't be sure it was them/the Paladin's which had it and maybe they were looking at a new livery before being taken over by MTL. It wasn't some kind of 'green' promo livery/advertising related to Merseytravel initiatives back then was it?
Another solution could be the ex-Metroline Paladin's (I think) Mersey Plus (or a related short lived indie) operated around 1997/98 when they tried and failed to compete with North Western's X5 back then? They were defo a mostly white and green livery.
Hope this helps.
It was so long ago, I can hardly remember!
But it was definitely an advertising livery. It was mainly green, with loads of writing on top of it. One thing that possibly rings a bell is some sort of 'Staysafe' initiative?
I might have been slightly wrong with the date - I was in school at the time! Possibly 1996/1997 might be more accurate.
It was IIRC, something to do with local school children in the Huyton area came up with some sort of livery to go on it?
Not quite like the Stagecoach Renown/Solo that were done years later in one proper livery but I'm sure it was something to do with local schools.
Excellent, thanks!
It was similar in fact, yes to the colours worn by the Stagecoach Renown, which was mainly green and Capital of Culture related.