Does anyone know what the ECW Olympian is on the edge of Bolton (A676)? It is bright red and is now a food van called 'Steak Out' .
Thanks in advance...
I do know its a D reg ex London one but will find out tomoz.
(16/06/2013 16:49)jonathon890 Wrote: [ -> ]I do know its a D reg ex London one but will find out tomoz.
thanks...It was the first time we have been on a #540 into Bolton and we whizzed past it...A bit of a surprise I can tell you... )
(17/06/2013 20:43)jonathon890 Wrote: [ -> ]D131FYM
What surprises me is that there doesn't seem to be a picture on Flickr...Or at least I havn't found one yet.