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Think we can say with this being the second sinking of one of these Ducks that VOSA will want another look if they are ever to set foot in water again.

Sky Sports have just shown a pic and the only part left showing is the rear sticking up.
(15/06/2013 16:01)N271CKB Wrote: [ -> ]Radio Merseyside have just announced that one of the ducks has sunk in the Albert Dock, no one reported injured

Seven people have been airlifted to hospital according to the BBC. Surely curtains for the Duckmarine tour now.
(15/06/2013 16:01)N271CKB Wrote: [ -> ]Radio Merseyside have just announced that one of the ducks has sunk in the Albert Dock, no one reported injured

Second time this year then!
I think that will be the end of them i hate to say. 5th incident now
The sheer fact that it made the national news not just the local news will really spell the end , it puts into question the operation of this type of vehicle in other parts of the world as well.
Apprantly according to the Liverpool Echo it was Wacker Quacker 1 which sunk yesterday and was the same Duckmarine that the Queen travelled on on her visit to Liverpool last year, apparantly its been retrieved from the Mersey and is being stored in a secure location while its examined to find out what went wrong
It wasn't in the Mersey it was Salthouse Dock. It was recovered last night onto a low loader. This was number 1 which is one of the 2 original dukws
Pearlwind have released an image today of a tyre wrapped around the prop and blame that for the sinking as it caused damage to the hull
(18/06/2013 11:15)J654UHN Wrote: [ -> ]Pearlwind have released an image today of a tyre wrapped around the prop and blame that for the sinking as it caused damage to the hull

That still means something was wrong for the tyre to get round the prop in the first place .

Liverpool Mayor seems to have been saying that he thinks that the company shouldnt be operating again unless they use newer equipment .
Will of been picked up from the dock WB. All kinds under the water thats why the dont like people jumping in
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