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Full Version: MDDW Photo Competition | March 2013
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Image 1 - James Solomon
[Image: homefrontgjg757d.jpg]

Image 2 - Marshall Capital SLF
[Image: 013hb.jpg]

Image 3 - BMN 67M
[Image: p8050033.jpg]

Image 4 - CX54 DKD
[Image: 43897043.png]

Image 5 - 3111
[Image: anw331053bootle01.jpg]

Image 6 - Raawwwrrr!
[Image: 33024d.jpg]

Image 7 - Scania1996
[Image: dscn1085k.jpg]


Again, thanks to all who participated in the February contest so with no further ado, here we go again! Similarly to previous competitions, there are some rules set in place though they have been subject to some minor changes recently so, to ensure you're fully up-to date, please do take a look, here.

The deadline for entries will be 23.59 on 20th March. Any entries submitted after the given date will, unfortunately, not be entered for the competition that month. Voting will commence from the 21st March giving a 10 day voting period.

As ever, an up-to date league table will be published with the results of each month's competition. All entries should be submitted to MDDWPhotoComp[at] where @ is replaced with [at] for spam prevention. Once the deadline passes, the photos will be uploaded and published in the relevant month's thread in the initial post along with a poll for voting.

With thanks to BMN 67M, the theme for this month is 'Step Entrance Double Deckers'. If there are any enquiries regarding the theme, feel free to post within this thread or, alternatively, send a PM containing your enquiry to BMN 67M. As previously, the winner will then select the next month's theme and their photo will appear as the banner for the MDDW Facebook page.

Good Luck!
Evening all,

Apologies for the delay in getting this month's entries up. Weather conditions have caused issues at my end this evening and setting up the entries via phone is highly impracticable. They will however, be up tomorrow afternoon/evening.

Once again, apologies for the delay.

(22/03/2013 23:05)CX54 DKD Wrote: [ -> ]Evening all,

Apologies for the delay in getting this month's entries up. Weather conditions have caused issues at my end this evening and setting up the entries via phone is highly impracticable. They will however, be up tomorrow afternoon/evening.

Once again, apologies for the delay.

Thank-you for explaining why there was a delay! Angel
Poll and entries now added, get voting!
Hi all,

Is anybody having issues viewing some of the entries? I am at the moment but it may just be at my end.

If so, I'll change where the images are hosted.

(23/03/2013 20:40)CX54 DKD Wrote: [ -> ]Is anybody having issues viewing some of the entries? I am at the moment but it may just be at my end.
I can view all seven!
Congratulations to this months winner, Raawwwrrr!. Results are as follows:

1. Raawwwrrr!
2. Scania1996
3. BMN 67M, 3111
4. Marshall Capital SLF
5. James Solomon
6. CX54 DKD

As the winner, it will be down to Raawwwrrr! to set the theme for the April competition so watch out for the relevant thread which will be posted outlining the full theme. Although I keep promising to do so and then not, I will most definitely have an up-to date points table posted by tomorrow evening for those members who wish to view it! The initial post of this thread has also been updated to show which photograph belongs to which entrant.

Once again, many thanks to all whom submitted an entry and to those whom voted.

Points table up to March for 2013:
Thanks to all who voted!

This photo competition makes me want a shorterned name! Laugh
I'm just about remembering how many of each letter it is for now!!!
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