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Pages: 1 2
I can't find a thread for this company (surprisingly!)...

Yesterday, I photographed Plaxton Pointer P980 LNB on the 112. This was at Stagecoach Wigan about a month or two ago (when Stagecoach took-over First's operations), but now it seems to be on loan to Bluebird...
...along with ALX200 R457 FVX (don't know where this bus was last based at):
R457 FVX Was at ashton before going to Bluebird,If bluebird sale gets the go-ahead i think the darts currently "on-loan" will stay there for go good
(21/02/2013 23:44)Wright Eclipse Wrote: [ -> ]R457 FVX Was at ashton before going to Bluebird,If bluebird sale gets the go-ahead i think the darts currently "on-loan" will stay there for go good

I beg to differ, stagecoach couldn't be dying more to remove these aged Darts from their fleet LOL

I imagine they'll just keep everything they have there until suitable replacements within the group pop up. Smile
I'm beginning to wonder if some of the leased vehicles have been returned by Bluebird, hence the loan of Stagecoach vehicles. If that's the case then those darts will be knocking around for a while yet.
(22/02/2013 08:10)mbonwick Wrote: [ -> ]I'm beginning to wonder if some of the leased vehicles have been returned by Bluebird, hence the loan of Stagecoach vehicles. If that's the case then those darts will be knocking around for a while yet.

Dont know but i heard a lot of bluebirds buses were being repaired by stagecoach,not sure if thats still on-going
Seems a bit odd that as soon as a buyout is announced that a lot of Bluebird vehicles are being operated by Stagecoach Dart's.
The OFT have decided NOT to refer the merger to the Competition Commission
(22/02/2013 15:29)maljoe Wrote: [ -> ]The OFT have decided NOT to refer the merger to the Competition Commission

wonder how long untill we stagecoach logos,have they confirmed a takeover date?
Has anybody seen the 4 B6's 26 (P326 JND), 33 (R133 NPN), 44 (R144 NPN), & 70 (270 BLU) or the Optare Solo's lately ?
(25/02/2013 22:10)WhiteVanMan Wrote: [ -> ]Has anybody seen the 4 B6's 26 (P326 JND), 33 (R133 NPN), 44 (R144 NPN), & 70 (270 BLU) or the Optare Solo's lately ?

One of the Solo's was in Ashton today on the 395/396z
Not seen the B6's for a few weeks.
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