now 2012 is coming to a close am sure we are all thinking about 2013 and what you want to do in it may it be get a job at a certain place or move house
what i want out of 2013 is:
1. improve on my german since am not to bad at it now
2. get my car licence
Well back this time last year my plan for 2012 was to complete my training for a new job and get that job.
Mission accomplished!
Not sure on the 'plan' for 2013, earn more money in said job!
My wishes for 2013 are to sort out a proper fixed term job, hopefully pass my driving test first time and for Liverpool to start improving!
My wish for 2013 is to achieve my aspirations in my GCSEs.
How about good health and happiness for everyone?
I agree Liverpool need to just improve , Everton to hold on to there players and for Tranmere to keep up the good work , they have already shown in 2012.
Mine is to lose some of the additional padding I've gained over the past couple of years

A General Election!
Time to show Cameron and Clegg the door, before they completely bugger-up the UK economy.
if that was to happen green party all the way, they gain more support each election so am betting their day will come
(02/01/2013 22:19)DVL418 Wrote: [ -> ]A General Election!
Time to show Cameron and Clegg the door, before they completely bugger-up the UK economy.
(02/01/2013 22:19)DVL418 Wrote: [ -> ]A General Election!
Time to show Cameron and Clegg the door, before they completely bugger-up the UK economy.
And whoever wins only gets till May 2015 anyhow .