37218 and 37605 are attending this weekend's diesel gala at the North Norfolk Railway.
On a trip to Norwich on Tuesday I noted both locomotive hauled sets in service. Locomotives were 37419/22 and 68003/24.
On Tuesday 68007/22 were operating on the Fife Circle whilst on Wednesday 88008 was noted in Platform 2 at Wigan North Western on test.
Anglia loco hauled sets yesterday.
Set 1 -37405 with unusually 37716.
Set 2 - 68005 with 68020
(26/08/2017 05:58)childwallblues Wrote: [ -> ]Anglia loco hauled sets yesterday.
Set 1 -37405 with unusually 37716.
Set 2 - 68005 with 68020
Soon to be the norm 37716 has had mods at Derby RVEL to release a /4 for the Cumbrian Coast allocation.
37409 has been taken out of store at Longtown and taken to LORAM Derby for a F exam and return to service.
(01/09/2017 06:00)childwallblues Wrote: [ -> ]37409 has been taken out of store at Longtown and taken to LORAM Derby for a F exam and return to service.
Nice, Wasn't expecting that one!

At Barrow Hill, 20302 and 20303 have been reinstated for use during the upcoming RHTT season.