68028, 68029, 68030 and 68031 due to dock in Workington on Sunday.
37069 currently dragging the new quartet to Kingmoor. All 4 in standard blue like 026/027.
(23/05/2017 13:50)ant17612 Wrote: [ -> ]37069 currently dragging the new quartet to Kingmoor. All 4 in standard blue like 026/027.
37069 taking them overnight to Crewe Gresty Bridge, 01:00 ex Kingmoor.
It is looking very likely that 37409 will not undergo it's 'F' exam and will therefore be permanently withdrawn from service.
37604 has been withdrawn. 37409 looks to be withdrawn by the end of the weekend.
Rumour has it an 'F' exam may now be sanctioned for 37409.