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Full Version: MPTE 1263 AND 1035
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(25/10/2012 12:32)a115hlv Wrote: [ -> ]went up last night to see the green going on if ye friends with me on facebook ye may have seen the fotos wot i put on i was in the garage when the 1st coat was going on and as the say by the 3rd coat i was getting a bit high i didt have a mask on becoz i cant stand them but it was looking great b4 i left all the best for now just hope every 1 will like the finsh

Seen your photo on facebook Mark, looking good.
Agreed looking very good, cant wait to see them if the finish on 1036 is anything to go by!

Nice work
1263 is now painted all we have to do now is do the inside if ye got on facebook ye may of seen the fotos 1035 not ready yet was hoping to get it done on friday but due to really bad weather had to leave it for anther day just need to ruff it up then seal the bus for the paint to go on
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