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Full Version: Bring Back The 620 St Helens to Bolton Arriva Service
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(14/10/2012 12:33)wirralbus Wrote: [ -> ]Is it 7 years since the service last operated , i would reckon that all the passengers that previously used this service have either got cars or find a different way now , no amount of pressure on arriva will work now unless a lot of press power could be used and that i can not see happening .
...and Arriva want people to buy Day Savers, therefore they must want the (few?) passengers that do travel from Bolton to St Helens to use more than one bus.
Just for the record - March 30th 2008 was when the service was cut back to St Helens - Atherton.
(14/10/2012 12:11)mbonwick Wrote: [ -> ]I would love to know just how many of the 40 people who have signed the petition would actually use the service.

I'm sorry but this is completely the wrong way to go about getting a service back. Just because it worked in 2005, doesn't mean it has any hope of working now.

Agreed you CANNOT force private company to run a bus route because it suits your agenda, or wether you liked the route, i'm not signing the petition as it's a complete waste of time. As i've said i'm sick to death of FMs demanding routes left right & centre, routes only operate because there either profitable or operated under contract to the local authority or PTE as the're socially necessary.
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