Quote:Four minutes from Walton to Old Roan on the 210/250? Merseytravel, eh...
That is not true though (unless your post was supposed to be sarcastic).
Walton Church - Aintree Retail Park is timed between 9 and 13 minutes, (depending on time of day).
Considering that most of these services run early morning or after the evening peak has finished, I think 9-13 minutes is sufficient for Walton-Aintree.
2.4 miles in 9 minutes is a reasonable assumption. Google suggests that a car would do it in 7 minutes, or 10 minutes in heavier traffic.
Anyway, my FOI response is due today, so we'll see.
(24/12/2012 10:39)ste Wrote: [ -> ]One of their buses on the 250 last night had some damaged leds and was displaying 25 rather than 250.
That was X511 UAT (2511) - its front unit needs to be put to the centre as it seems to have moved across so the end number is behind the black tape at the end of the glass. We looked like a 21 for the majority of the evening (lots of stopping for no reason - just great when running 10 minutes late)...
(24/12/2012 11:20)First Class Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Four minutes from Walton to Old Roan on the 210/250? Merseytravel, eh...
That is not true though (unless your post was supposed to be sarcastic).
Walton Church - Aintree Retail Park is timed between 9 and 13 minutes, (depending on time of day).
Considering that most of these services run early morning or after the evening peak has finished, I think 9-13 minutes is sufficient for Walton-Aintree.
Oh - the times ARE sufficient? How often do you use the services? The 210/250 leave "Black Bull" at xx:10 and xx:40 and arrive at the "Old Roan Pub" (near the Merseyrail station) at xx:14 and xx:44. In that time, we have to travel through about six sets of (non-bus-favourable) traffic-lights and serve over six bus-stops - and we have to put up with the mindless drivers who park wherever they feel like doing. It may be 9 minutes from "Walton Church" to "Aintree Retail Park", but the times in-between aren't even enough.
As a driver I drive to football at Goals Football Center on Park Lane following the 130 route. In a car it takes me 10 mins on the basis the traffic is light and I time the lights well. This is usually long after 7pm. So therefore given a bus frequently stops it needs to be a minimum of 12mins in light traffic of a night on the 130. Now the lights on Ormskirk road however are just a joke. If someone at half 9 gets a milkshake from McDondalds they will be given priority at the lights over the A59. Them lights will then hold you for around 1-2 mins. This can be worsened by the fact that the lights by Aintree Racecourse change to let thin air out and the lights were the 130 turns are on timer. Need I go on?
P.S This is experience of driving in that area nightly not reading what Google Estimates.
Further to your recent Freedom of Information request please find the
response to each element of you request below:
1) The reason(s) Impera provided for terminating the contract early,
if any.
This information is not held by Merseytravel. Operators
are entitled to serve notice of termination at any time without the need
to explain why and Impera served the requisite period of notice as
required under the conditions of contract.
2) If appropriate, The reason(s) Merseytravel had for terminating the
contract(s) early, if any.
This information is not held as Merseytravel did not
terminate the contract.
Well that was a great use of tax payers money for the FOI........ Impera gave reasons to us on here when they don't even have to provide Merseytravel with reasons if I am reading that correctly.
(24/12/2012 21:38)ste Wrote: [ -> ]Further to your recent Freedom of Information request please find the
response to each element of you request below:
1) The reason(s) Impera provided for terminating the contract early,
if any.
This information is not held by Merseytravel. Operators
are entitled to serve notice of termination at any time without the need
to explain why and Impera served the requisite period of notice as
required under the conditions of contract.
2) If appropriate, The reason(s) Merseytravel had for terminating the
contract(s) early, if any.
This information is not held as Merseytravel did not
terminate the contract.
Well that was a great use of tax payers money for the FOI........ Impera gave reasons to us on here when they don't even have to provide Merseytravel with reasons if I am reading that correctly.
It proves how inept Merseytravel are.
The contract document, (which they actually provided), under Section 21.1 it states that that any bus operator wishing to terminate a service must give 13 weeks notice AND provide their reasons.
Merseytravel say no reasons were provided.
Subsequently, this is a breach of contract by Impera, which Merseytravel have failed to identify.
Message for first class I invite you to travel on our services one Sunday I.e 130 250 210 between 1100 and 1700 I will be your host and you can then judge for yourself call on 0151 641 0897 to arrange a convenient time for you and I am being serious you may then see the problems that we face and maybe you seem a person that expects answers you then may have the answers your looking for and the evidence to make these routes more reliable Mark
Stupid post to be deleted please!
(24/12/2012 21:35)ste Wrote: [ -> ]As a driver I drive to football at Goals Football Center on Park Lane following the 130 route. In a car it takes me 10 mins on the basis the traffic is light and I time the lights well. This is usually long after 7pm. So therefore given a bus frequently stops it needs to be a minimum of 12mins in light traffic of a night on the 130. Now the lights on Ormskirk road however are just a joke. If someone at half 9 gets a milkshake from McDondalds they will be given priority at the lights over the A59. Them lights will then hold you for around 1-2 mins. This can be worsened by the fact that the lights by Aintree Racecourse change to let thin air out and the lights were the 130 turns are on timer. Need I go on?
P.S This is experience of driving in that area nightly not reading what Google Estimates.
We were on the 18:06 130 from Old Roan yesterday and we left Glovers Lane in Netherton on-time, at 18:14, but we hit Aintree Merseyrail Station after 18:25 (due there at 18:19) because of those damn lights! As a result, we continued to be late until Dingle and on our way to Old Roan again, at which we arrived at 20:06-ish (technically, about eight minutes late - where we finished for the evening due to an early Christmas Eve finish)! Did we pick anybody up between Liverpool ONE Bus Station and Dingle in both directions? Not a soul was on-board! Waste of time? Well and truly!
(25/12/2012 13:34)msteens Wrote: [ -> ]Message for first class I invite you to travel on our services one Sunday I.e 130 250 210 between 1100 and 1700 I will be your host and you can then judge for yourself call on 0151 641 0897 to arrange a convenient time for you and I am being serious you may then see the problems that we face and maybe you seem a person that expects answers you then may have the answers your looking for and the evidence to make these routes more reliable Mark
I may have already of spoken to you in a professional capacity, but I will definitely take you up on your offer.

(25/12/2012 12:49)First Class Wrote: [ -> ] (24/12/2012 21:38)ste Wrote: [ -> ]Further to your recent Freedom of Information request please find the
response to each element of you request below:
1) The reason(s) Impera provided for terminating the contract early,
if any.
This information is not held by Merseytravel. Operators
are entitled to serve notice of termination at any time without the need
to explain why and Impera served the requisite period of notice as
required under the conditions of contract.
2) If appropriate, The reason(s) Merseytravel had for terminating the
contract(s) early, if any.
This information is not held as Merseytravel did not
terminate the contract.
Well that was a great use of tax payers money for the FOI........ Impera gave reasons to us on here when they don't even have to provide Merseytravel with reasons if I am reading that correctly.
It proves how inept Merseytravel are.
The contract document, (which they actually provided), under Section 21.1 it states that that any bus operator wishing to terminate a service must give 13 weeks notice AND provide their reasons.
Merseytravel say no reasons were provided.
Subsequently, this is a breach of contract by Impera, which Merseytravel have failed to identify.
Merseytravels own reply there clearly states they do not need to provide reasons. Now either the contract is incorrectly worded or the person replying to you FOI doesn't know his job. Either way Merseytravel are happy with how Impera have handed the contract back can't you just let it settle there mate.