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just wondering what pets you have my gf got

6 cats+ 1 kitten ( there was 2 but one just died)
3 dogs
3 fish
at least 4 hens
2 rabbits
a goat

as for me i only have 7 fish and i plan get some more this month :P
I own a hamster

My partner on the otherhand owns:
1x Dog
1x Female Ferret
4x Ferret Pups (3 boys, 1 girl)
1x Snake
1x Jerd
2x African Land Snails
2x Stick Insects
8x Mixed Fish
1x "Free range" spider
and 2x Rats

Their praying mantis died about 2 months ago
We just have two cats, one of each, obviously been neutered.
We have two hamsters and a small aquarium of fish did have fish in the garden pond too but they got eaten by a heron have to get a net.
Well, I have a Lizard (Leopard Gecko) a aquarium of fish, and a dog (Labrador)
Two black and white cats and one grey kitten.
gf's kitten died so here updated list
6 cats
3 dogs
3 fish
at least 4 hens
2 rabbits
a goat
2 cats -1 plain bad - the other f****** mad - eats small metal objects, hangsoff window ledges, headbutts windows - that sort of stuff
We have a much loved rabbit who loves strokes and biting carpet and a rather less loved cat who is a mischievous and ratty kitten.
(24/07/2012 17:39)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]I own a hamster

My partner on the otherhand owns:
1x Dog
1x Female Ferret
4x Ferret Pups (3 boys, 1 girl)
1x Snake
1x Jerd
2x African Land Snails
2x Stick Insects
8x Mixed Fish
1x "Free range" spider
and 2x Rats

Their praying mantis died about 2 months ago

Is that all,i have a nine year old Cairn Terrier
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