I do know about the R reg ones
0309 - Southport
0310 - Southport
0311 - Winsford
0312 - Southport
0313 - Speke
0314 - Ellie Rose
0315 - Ellie Rose
0317 - Ellie Rose
0319 - Southport
0321 - Ellie Rose
0322 - Stored at St Helens - due for scrap shortly if not already at PVS
0324 - Ellie Rose
0326 - Ellie Rose
0327 - Stored at Speke
0329 - Winsford
0330 - Winsford
0331 - Winsford
0332 - Speke
0334 - Winsford
0335 - First R-WVR scrapped
0336 - Southport
0337 - Ellie Rose
Any corrections let me know!
0322 has apparently gone in the same direction as 0335, if not already it may follow shortly.
0327 is stored at Speke, by no means cannibalised and still mostly intact, apparently one or two bits have been taken off, nothing major though!

No more due to come off/leave the fleet for a bit now from what I hear.
i have been informed that 0303 has been involved in a depot fire at Blakewater. 2 minibuses destroyed and 2 double deckers smoke damaged
0326 (R326 WVR) is taxed 'til the end of this month.
Any ideas where this may be??
(10/11/2012 12:38)mathias Wrote: [ -> ]0326 (R326 WVR) is taxed 'til the end of this month.
Any ideas where this may be??
Ellie Rose of Hull
photo by "eybusman"
Cheers for the help fellas, much appreciated.

Forgot 0326 by accident, shall put that in now! lol
(10/11/2012 14:00)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ] (10/11/2012 12:38)mathias Wrote: [ -> ]0326 (R326 WVR) is taxed 'til the end of this month.
Any ideas where this may be??
Ellie Rose of Hull
photo by "eybusman"
Thanks for that Reece

SEVEN 'Millennium Fleet' Palatines now owned by them!
Wonder if they'll get any more?
Ive been informed Fairbrothers of Warrington have sold N271,75 and 77 CKB to a company in Bristol, they are expected to leave over the coming weeks. Not 100%confirmed though,
I wonder if theyre heading to south glos coaches who also own 3305-3308?
Did South Gloucestershire keep their full compliment of 4 in the end? One or more of the former 3305-3308 were for sale, guessing either they failed to sell or decided to keep?
From what ive been told K101 305-308 are still all with south glos - i do remember 305 did appear on a small dealers website and it said 2 avaliable, im told the other for sale was 308 and they where for sale at around 12k - I assume theyre still with south glos because they couldnt sell as you say!
Lets not forget, 305 was withdrawn from service at arriva because its chassis cracked so id imagine its had a reasonably cheap repair- not helping to sell it really!