13/09/2015, 19:30
14/09/2015, 08:16
(13/09/2015 19:30)mbonwick Wrote: [ -> ]33870/4/6 made it to Exeter. Can't find any reports of others.
Hopefully the fleetcard next weekend will shed more light!
33875 is currently at Wigan with a starting fault apparently.
14/09/2015, 10:51
33872 was at hyde road on a pit last sunday.
15/09/2015, 11:15
33872 is now parked up at Wigan joining 71 and 75
23/09/2015, 16:06
33870/4/6 are the only MCVs noted on the Manchester fleetcard as passing to SC South West.
24/09/2015, 00:16
(23/09/2015 18:26)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure 33869 was reported as making the journey south. Indeed, I checked through the photos of the convoy (18th Aug iirc) and I'm sure all buses (incl. 33869) mentioned were illustrated.
It returned north on tow not long after, I believe it got to Exeter https://www.flickr.com/photos/nicksbuscoach/20986452156
24/09/2015, 14:19
(23/09/2015 16:06)mbonwick Wrote: [ -> ]33870/4/6 are the only MCVs noted on the Manchester fleetcard as passing to SC South West.
I was in Plymouth & Exeter on Saturday & these three vehicles were noted parked up in Exeter depot.
03/11/2015, 23:08
A few notes from my recent trip to Devon, Plymouth currently has Tridents 18061 & 18064 in service and ex Merseyside Dart 34777 is also working out of Plymouth, used on the 2/2A along with the other Darts & Enviro200's.
28/11/2015, 13:52
With the entry into service of the new Gold Enviro400's on the 57 between Exmouth & Exeter, 15251-15260, the previous batch used on the route, 15660-15669 are in the process of being transferred to Torquay replacing some Tridents there, 17057/8 & 18067/8 already reported at Plymouth. Also Torquay is expecting an extra Gold any time now, 15250.
14/01/2016, 01:10
Expected imminently for Plymouth are E400MMC's 10457-62 (diverted from Manchester) which will be in park & ride livery, plus standard liveried 10488-503, 10488 was delivered today (info from from the Stagecoach Enthusiasts facebook group), plus 54319 has also been delivered as the first of 8 coaches for a new Plymouth to Bristol service branded as the 'South West Falcon', more info here http://www.plymothiantransit.com/2016/01...onary.html
I'm assuming all the older Tridents drafted in at the start of the takeover by Stagecoach will leave, although it will be interesting to see what will happen to the newer '04' examples recently transferred from Torbay. Also 5 E200MMC's are due, 26034-8 which are also for park & ride duties.
I'm assuming all the older Tridents drafted in at the start of the takeover by Stagecoach will leave, although it will be interesting to see what will happen to the newer '04' examples recently transferred from Torbay. Also 5 E200MMC's are due, 26034-8 which are also for park & ride duties.