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Full Version: Stockport and Cheshire East councils guided busway proposals
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No idea how a Wilmslow to Manchester Airport busway will work, considering the funding for the Wilmslow to Manchester Airport bus service was withdrawn on 1st April and an attempt of a commercial Macclesfield-Wilmslow-Manchester Airport service by D&G Bus has been unsuccessful and will be withdrawn next month. If normal buses can't make a profit between Wilmslow and Manchester Airport and no-one is willing to fund them, then how can a guided busway possibly work?
(27/05/2018 12:21)knutstransport Wrote: [ -> ]

No idea how a Wilmslow to Manchester Airport busway will work, considering the funding for the Wilmslow to Manchester Airport bus service was withdrawn on 1st April and an attempt of a commercial Macclesfield-Wilmslow-Manchester Airport service by D&G Bus has been unsuccessful and will be withdrawn next month. If normal buses can't make a profit between Wilmslow and Manchester Airport and no-one is willing to fund them, then how can a guided busway possibly work?

Political grandstanding, nothing more.
Suppose these people have to at least try to justify their existence.
Just not going to happen.
(28/05/2018 08:08)dca529x Wrote: [ -> ]Political grandstanding, nothing more.
Suppose these people have to at least try to justify their existence.
Just not going to happen.

I agree. Does anyone remember the proposed Merseytram system that was cancelled by central government after tens of millions had been spent on it in preparatory work? Unless you live in London or the south east, austerity is still very much alive and well.
Cheshire East Council are a mob of utter fantasists. You'd think they'd have learnt from the two "essential" links to the A500 - despite their existence most of the Mornflake traffic still comes up Gresty Road and about 50% of the traffic that should use David Whitby Way sticks to Weston Road.
(28/05/2018 10:19)Barney Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone remember the proposed Merseytram system that was cancelled by central government after tens of millions had been spent on it in preparatory work.

Yet a light rail link between Liverpool Airport and the Albert Dock (one of the proposed routes) has a lot of logic to it.
(27/05/2018 12:21)knutstransport Wrote: [ -> ]

No idea how a Wilmslow to Manchester Airport busway will work, considering the funding for the Wilmslow to Manchester Airport bus service was withdrawn on 1st April and an attempt of a commercial Macclesfield-Wilmslow-Manchester Airport service by D&G Bus has been unsuccessful and will be withdrawn next month. If normal buses can't make a profit between Wilmslow and Manchester Airport and no-one is willing to fund them, then how can a guided busway possibly work?

The only way I can see these ever coming to fruition is in the format of/including an off site park and ride for staff. Otherwise there just isn’t the numbers actively on public transport on these flows to justify construction.
Well the airport are forcing cars dropping off departing passengers to use short stay car parks instead of drop off zones outside the terminals.
So it's suddenly more feasible since the 378 bus service was terminated at Grove Lane and Wilmslow cut off for bus services from Stockport?
Talking of councils,which loon decided to put humps on Hall Moss and Moor Lanes and why?
(28/05/2018 12:18)mikestone Wrote: [ -> ]Cheshire East Council are a mob of utter fantasists. You'd think they'd have learnt from the two "essential" links to the A500 - despite their existence most of the Mornflake traffic still comes up Gresty Road and about 50% of the traffic that should use David Whitby Way sticks to Weston Road.

Fantasists is about right - If I recall correctly, when it was suggested relocating the Railway Station to Basford Hall didn't they propose replacing the existing bus services between Leighton Hospital, Crewe Town Centre & the new Station with a Light Rail system ?

No mention of who was going to pay for it though !
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