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Been keeping myself amused this weekend by perusing the "BUS and COACH forum" (formerly Bloodbus) online. Pretty much defunct these days but LOADS of old threads to read on a variety of funny, controversial, and revealing subjects including disciplinary proceedings, accidents and crashes, company comparisons, passenger confrontations etc. Mostly bus drivers and staff on there, with some enthusiasts and ex-employees.
I've really enjoyed all the diverse topics and subjects, but the over-riding impression I get is that bus drivers hate old people, children, car drivers, truck drivers, cyclists, management, inspectors, rival operators, photographers, students, in fact pretty much EVERYONE and EVERYTHING!!Laugh
I think the members ended up having so many arguments and fall-outs, that many people left the forum and it fizzled out, but still makes fascinating reading!
Sounds like life in general .
Just had a look, No wonder its not popular, very poorly laid out.
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