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Updated. Thanks to those who have shared updates

Pending are in red
Underway or completed are in blue
Latest additions/updates are in bold

Single deck:
665/7/8 from WY to TBC
690-4 from WX to BA
844/6/7 from BA to DIS
849/52 from WX to CH (11/16-02/17)
849/52 from CH to DIS
911/2/5 from BA to DIS
914/7-9, 20-2 from RL to DIS
998/9 from CH to WX (11/16-02/17)
2453, 65/8 from BH to DIS (2453/65 w/d 02/17; 2468 w/d 03/17)
2454 from BH to WD (03/17)
2455-7/9, 60 from BH to POOL (03/17)
2467/9, 70/3/4 from GL to POOL (02/17)
2468 from GL to BH (03/17)
2489, 90-4/6/8, 2500/1 from SH to ABW
2495 from SH to SP
2499 from RU to ABW
2502 from BH to RL
2520-6 from RU to ABW
2527 from RU to SP
2577/9, 81-5 from SL to TBC
2578 from SL to RU (03/17)
2586/7 from SL to SP
2599, 2601/2 from GL to BH (03/17)
2644, 62-4(?) from BT to CH
2669-75 from GL to SH (03/17)
2705-8, 10/2/4-6/9, 20/9, 30 from SH to DIS
2711 from RU to BH (03/17)
2713 from BH to WD (03/17; returned to BH 03/17)
2723/6/8 from SP to POOL (2726 03/17; 2723/8 not yet in pool)
2794 from WD to DTV
2795/7-9 from CH to DTV
2801-3 from WX to DIS
2900-3 from GL to TBC (mid 2017)
2904/5 from GL to BH (03/17)
2949 from SL to RU (03/17)
2954-8 from GL to BH (03/17)
2959 from GL to SP (03/17)
2960-4 from GL to TBC (mid 2017)
5010-8 from NEW to RU
12x BYD D9URs from NEW to GL (mid 2017)

Double deck:
1000-12 from NEW to WX
4410/6 from SL to BT (loan) (03/17)
4161-4/7/8, 71, 81/2 from ANW to ASC (02/17-ongoing)
4176 from SL to BH
4177 from SL to BT
4200-3/5-6/9, 15 from ANW to TBC (4204 is scheduled to move at a later date)
4207/11 from SL to BT
4210/2/4 from SP to POOL
4402-10, 21/2 from WX to TBC
4412 from GL to SP (03/17)
4435-42 from SL to BH (loan) (03/17)
4435-42 from BH (loan) to SH
4693-7(?) from NEW to BT
4800-7, 31/3 from BH (loan) to GL (02/17)
4808-29 from BH (loan) to SL (03/17)
4830/2/4-9, 4841-7, 4850 from NEW to GL (02/17-03/17)
4840/8/9 from NEW to SL (03/17)
4xxx-xx from ASC to ANW
Do we have a code for the above depots ?
(15/03/2017 20:42)WAITING FOR THE 437 Wrote: [ -> ]Do we have a code for the above depots ?

ABW - Arriva Buses Wales
ASC - Arriva Southern Counties
POOL - Reserve at Birkenhead

BA - Bangor
BH - Birkenhead
BN - Bolton
BT - Bootle
CH - Chester
DIS - Disposal
GL - Green Lane
NEW - New stock
RL - Rhyl
RU - Runcorn
SH - St Helens
SL - Speke
SP - Southport
WD - Winsford
WY - Wythenshawe
WX - Wrexham
4177 has been noted at WY, someone saw it on the 19 yesterday
(15/03/2017 20:52)Y474 KNF Wrote: [ -> ]ABW - Arriva Buses Wales
ASC - Arriva Southern Counties
POOL - Reserve at Birkenhead

BA - Bangor
BH - Birkenhead
BN - Bolton
BT - Bootle
CH - Chester
DIS - Disposal
GL - Green Lane
NEW - New stock
RL - Rhyl
RU - Runcorn
SH - St Helens
SL - Speke
SP - Southport
WD - Winsford
WY - Wythenshawe
WX - Wrexham

So WD meant Winsford.. thought it meant withdrawn... Sorry to everyone for any confusion I may have caused regarding 2794, not withdrawn but actually at Winsford, wasnt aware of that move
Did wonder myself why I never saw 2794 on the Mold routes in weeks.
Commander 2591 is now at Runcorn.
2585 also at Runcorn.
Updated. Thanks to those who have shared updates

Pending are in red
Underway or completed are in blue
Latest additions/updates are in bold

Single deck:
665/7/8 from WY to TBC
690-4 from WX to BA
844/6/7 from BA to DIS
849/52 from WX to CH (11/16-02/17)
849/52 from CH to DIS
911/2/5 from BA to DIS
914/7-9, 20-2 from RL to DIS
998/9 from CH to WX (11/16-02/17)
2453, 65/8 from BH to DIS (2453/65 w/d 02/17; 2468 w/d 03/17)
2454/6 from POOL to WD (loan) (03/17)
2455-7/9, 60 from BH to POOL (03/17)
2467/9, 70/3/4 from GL to POOL (02/17)
2468 from GL to BH (03/17)
2470 from POOL to RU (loan) (03/17)
2489, 90-4/6/8, 2500/1 from SH to ABW
2495 from SH to SP
2499 from RU to ABW
2502 from BH to RL
2520-6 from RU to ABW
2527 from RU to SP
2578, 85, 91/4 from SL to RU (03/17)
2586/7 from SL to SP
2599, 2601/2 from GL to BH (03/17)
2608-19 from WD to SH (Thanks to motormayhem1)
2644, 62-4(?) from BT to CH
2669-75 from GL to SH (03/17)
2705-8, 10/2/4-6/9, 20/9, 30 from SH to DIS
2711 from RU to BH (03/17)
2713 from BH to WD (03/17; returned to BH 03/17)
2723/6/8 from SP to POOL (2726 03/17; 2723/8 not yet in pool)
2794 from WD to DTV
2795/7-9 from CH to DTV
2801-3 from WX to DIS
2900-2 from GL to TBC (mid 2017)
2903-5 from GL to BH (03/17)
2949 from SL to RU (03/17)
2954-8 from GL to BH (03/17)
2959 from GL to SP (03/17)
2960-4 from GL to TBC (mid 2017)
5010-8 from NEW to RU
12x BYD D9URs from NEW to GL (mid 2017)

Double deck:
1000-12 from NEW to WX
4110/6 from SL to BT (loan) (03/17)
4161-4/7/8, 71, 81/2 from ANW to ASC (02/17-ongoing)
4176 from SL to BH
4177 from SL to WY (03/17)
4200-6/9, 15 from ANW to TBC (4204 is scheduled to move at a later date)
4207/11 from SL to BT
4210/2/4 from SP to POOL
4402-10, 21/2 from WX to TBC
4412 from GL to SP (03/17)
4435-42 from SL to BH (loan) (03/17)
4435-42 from BH (loan) to SH
4693-7(?) from NEW to BT
4800-7, 31/3 from BH (loan) to GL (02/17)
4808-29 from BH (loan) to SL (03/17)
4830/2/4-9, 4841-7, 4850 from NEW to GL (02/17-03/17)
4840/8/9 from NEW to SL (03/17)
4xxx-xx from ASC to ANW (Thanks to LJ51 DDA)
2594? Is another commander at Runcorn.
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