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(31/10/2018 16:09)DLG817 Wrote: [ -> ]I was present today at Mold Crown Court when the family behind Express Motors were imprisoned for their involvement in fraud and money laundering. Father and founder of the firm Eric Wyn Jones was sentenced to seven and a half years imprisonment, his son Ian was also given an identical seven and a half years sentence, son Kevin was given seven years and son Keith six years. All four men had been found guilty by a jury at Caernarfon Crown Court last month on two separate charges. The first involved conspiring together to commit fraud relating to the use of concessionary passes and the second involved money laundering where they concealed money by using various accounts and failed to declare and pay taxes on income gained.

A fuller report can be read at and at DAILY POST

Wow. That must have been money laundering on a global scale. Should have stuck to minor misdemenours like the Secondary School teacher driving into a pedestrian because he disagreed with the pedestrian's Employer. As the Judge shared the schoolteacher's politics, he got a small fine.
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