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Looks like another operator is going to disappear from our streets.
(21/09/2016 19:38)Neukit Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like another operator is going to disappear from our streets.

I said to some people on flickr that this would be the consequence of the very high fees that are being charged at the new bus stations. I suspect that darwin coach services might be next. The small companies can't afford large charges that Lancashire county council are charging
A shame in a way. The owner was recently interviewed in one of the REC newsletters where he talked about his worrys regarding DDA regulations and the future. He described modern low floor buses as unreliable and that they used twice as much fuel as his older minibuses.
I wonder if he will continue to operate his tyre and mechanical services from the same site.
(21/09/2016 21:40)Mayneway Wrote: [ -> ]A shame in a way. The owner was recently interviewed in one of the REC newsletters where he talked about his worrys regarding DDA regulations and the future. He described modern low floor buses as unreliable and that they used twice as much fuel as his older minibuses.

Welcome to the modern day bus industry!
Running a 1990s operation in the 2010s was only ever going to end one way.

There will be many more to come, particularly when the DDA regs regarding the use of double deckers comes as a complete surprise to some operators in a little over 3 months!
(21/09/2016 21:56)Neukit Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the modern day bus industry!
Running a 1990s operation in the 2010s was only ever going to end one way.

There will be many more to come, particularly when the DDA regs regarding the use of double deckers comes as a complete surprise to some operators in a little over 3 months!

In fact his licence is revoked in todays N&P!
(23/09/2016 13:36)mikestone Wrote: [ -> ]In fact his licence is revoked in todays N&P!

Oh dear that puts a different spin on things. Jumped JUST before the ship sunk so to speak lol.
(23/09/2016 15:12)Mayneway Wrote: [ -> ]Oh dear that puts a different spin on things. Jumped JUST before the ship sunk so to speak lol.

How much would a license be for M&M roughly?
(23/09/2016 15:51)RedPanda Wrote: [ -> ]How much would a license be for M&M roughly?

I'm not too sure on costs but it's not as easy as buying one. A licence has to be applied for from VOSA. I think the local TC then makes a decision and either grants or refuses a licence for various reasons. Given that M&M have just had thier licence revoked would mean the chances of getting another are more difficult.
(23/09/2016 19:18)Mayneway Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not too sure on costs but it's not as easy as buying one. A licence has to be applied for from VOSA. I think the local TC then makes a decision and either grants or refuses a licence for various reasons. Given that M&M have just had thier licence revoked would mean the chances of getting another are more difficult.

I'm guessing money would influence LCC at the moment had they applied for a new licence
(23/09/2016 19:18)Mayneway Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not too sure on costs but it's not as easy as buying one. A licence has to be applied for from VOSA. I think the local TC then makes a decision and either grants or refuses a licence for various reasons. Given that M&M have just had thier licence revoked would mean the chances of getting another are more difficult.

Getting a license doesn't cost that much. What is more important is how much money there is in the bank... and there has to be a minimum amount per bus.
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