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Full Version: European Union - IN or OUT
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I just thought that as we are going to be bowled over by this referendum for a few months now , what the thoughts of this forum was .
For those interested I've added a poll to the thread
Can anybody explain what the pros, cons and potentials would be whatever the result?
I've heard arguments on the news but I haven't found anything that is simplified
What is the pro and cons for Leaving or staying in EU

I dunno what's the case to vote
(24/02/2016 17:32)E208 WBG Wrote: [ -> ]What is the pro and cons for Leaving or staying in EU

I dunno what's the case to vote

I had found something on the BBC News website but it was more a lecture covering everything and not breif covering the basics. Just page after page, paragraph after paragraph. I couldn't read it as my attention spam isn't great.
I think this was the BBC page in question.

I favour staying in the EU for the environment, defence, simple trade between ourselves and other EU countries, and protection against isolationist policies.

Some of David Cameron's reforms make sense, especially not having to be bound by Eurozone rules.
I think it could be a dangerous vote with a lot of nieve people voting to come out simply because they think it will end the migrant/asylum seeker crises, when actually there's a lot more too it.

There are a lot of crazy rules the EU set up and most farmers will tell you the EU alone has ruined the farming culture in this country.

It's a tricky one.
I do wonder what are the implications for the Prime Minister of a no vote on his job , will he step down and give another conservative a chance to lead the country , hopefully not the present Chancellor though.
(03/03/2016 11:59)wirralbus Wrote: [ -> ]I do wonder what are the implications for the Prime Minister of a no vote on his job , will he step down and give another conservative a chance to lead the country , hopefully not the present Chancellor though.

Hasn't Cameron said he's won't be running for another election so he has no vested interest in us voting to stay in?
But a NO vote will have implications for the likes of the chancellor , it will effectively rule him out of the prime ministers race as he will be tarnished with the same brush as cameron.

It will be very interesting night the 23/24 June .
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