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Full Version: Provisional Driving Licence form
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I cant be the only person whos struggled with this, I am about to send my form off to the DVLA but i need someone to sign part of it, I was thinking of asking a Bus Driver i know but is that allowed? If not who do you guys ask?
(12/02/2016 19:42)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]I cant be the only person whos struggled with this, I am about to send my form off to the DVLA but i need someone to sign part of it, I was thinking of asking a Bus Driver i know but is that allowed? If not who do you guys ask?

I think you can ask anybody really (not a family member and should of known them for two years plus) but a dilemma between a professional driver and a non professional.I remember asking a neighbor to sign something but can't remember if it was my driving license or passport.
(12/02/2016 19:42)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]I cant be the only person whos struggled with this, I am about to send my form off to the DVLA but i need someone to sign part of it, I was thinking of asking a Bus Driver i know but is that allowed? If not who do you guys ask?

Here's a link that tells you who can sign the form and photo:

Hope that helps
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