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Full Version: Arriva North West - Bolton Depot
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2643 is at Bolton!
Has been since November
Apologies only just seen it today and never seen it before lol
I believe Arriva Bolton are going to run a 576 from Bolton to Horwich Old lords Estate as a replacement for Firsts, should make things interesting with Diamond Bus also starting a 575 service
(09/02/2018 13:05)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]I believe Arriva Bolton are going to run a 576 from Bolton to Horwich Old lords Estate as a replacement for Firsts, should make things interesting with Diamond Bus also starting a 575 service

Will the MANs be reinstated for this service?
Cant see it as Wythenshawes 18 service is withdrawn from the same date so chances are 2496 and some Commanders will move to Bolton for this
Is there any published information about Diamond starting a 575?
(09/02/2018 14:34)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]Its been registered on VOSA

Cheers! Smile
Not a problem, I believe the Arriva 576 will be half hourly and will be an exact copy of the First 575 so not going into Middlebrook retail park like the current 576 tendered service
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