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(07/12/2015 12:26)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]Timetables are now up for all the Christmas and New Year Services

Christmas Day -

Boxing Day -

New Years Day -

Summary for the holiday period -

Full Guide to services -

Post #39 I already posted this
In the Merseytravel Christmas and new year leaflet it says there is no service on Cumfybus or HTL between 26 and 28 December. Is this just Cumfy and HTLs commercial services or does it inclue their Merseytravel work too? Thanks.
I'm pretty sure that is just the commercial services on those days, all the Merseytravel work will be as per the information on the sheet over the Christmas period.
(14/12/2015 13:21)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure that is just the commercial services on those days, all the Merseytravel work will be as per the information on the sheet over the Christmas period.

Thanks for that might pop out for some festive photos.
Im sure Merseytravel would take a dim view of any merseytravel work dropped other than on the three days prescribed in most contracts Christmas Day , Boxing Day and New Years Day.
(14/12/2015 13:21)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure that is just the commercial services on those days, all the Merseytravel work will be as per the information on the sheet over the Christmas period.

However in the past on Boxing Day and New Year's Day some contracts have been done by random operators not seen it done for a few years now but it's a possibility

Tbh I still agree with Buses7675 post above that it's likely to only be commercial routes from HTL and Cumfy not running
I wonder with the limited merseyrail service boxing day whether some of the services provided by the commercial operators might not be as commercially viable as in other years . I wonder whether next year there some of the routes will have frequencies that are down on this year.
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