Acquired by Stagecarriage for the ex-Leven Valley work are Enviro200 MX14FUH and YX14RZG.
A fleet numbering scheme has been introduced as followed:
1: KX05HVE (Neoplan Skyliner ex-Stagecoach 50141)
2: FJ06GHB (Volvo B12B/Caetano Enigma ex-YourBus 0603)
3: N584XSA (Volvo B10M/Plaxton Premiere ex-Stagecoach 52314)
4: M407BFG (Volvo B10M/Plaxton Premiere ex-Swanbrook)
5: VJI8684 (Leyland Leopard/Plaxton Supreme formerly SNC366X new to Mayne as 66)
Single Deckers
11: MX14FUH (ADL Enviro200 ex-Ace Travel 783)
12: YX14RZG (ADL Enviro200 ex-Ace Travel 782)
13: VAG606R (Volvo B10BLE/Alexander ALX300 ex-Stagecoach 21145)
14: VAG608R (Volvo B10BLE/Alexander ALX300 ex-Stagecoach 21149)
15: KX04HRJ (Optare Solo M920 ex-Redline of Barnsley)
16: KX04HRL (Optare Solo M920 ex-Redline of Barnsley)
17: DE04XEZ (Mercedes Vario/Plaxton Beaver ex-Townlynx)
Double Deckers
21: X279NNO (Dennis Trident/Alexander ALX400 ex-Stagecoach 17279)
22: X376NNO (Dennis Trident/Alexander ALX400 ex-Stagecoach 17270)
23: R274LGH (Volvo Olympian/NC Palatine ex-Go North East 3916)
24: R556LGH (Volvo Olympian/NC Palatine ex-Go North East 3917)
25: R781SOY (Volvo Olympian/NC Palatine 2 ex-Finglands 1782)
26: N703LTN (Volvo Olympian/Alexander RL ex-Stagecoach 16703)
27: H728DDL (Leyland Olympian/Leyalnd ex-Go South Coast 4728)
28: NIL8567 (Leyland Olympian/Alexander (Belfast) new to Dublin Bus as RH94)
The Vario and one of the B10BLEs are reportedly ready for sale, while the Leopard is due to be sold very soon. A couple of ISB-engined Darts are to join the fleet in the near future to replace the Vario and the increasing issue-prone Solos.
New into the Stagecarriage is ex-Go North East B10BLE/Wright Renown R843PRG. Once paper work is completed to certify it as DDA compliant, it will be fleet number 14.
Since the last list, their fleet has changed as followed:
1: KX05HVE (Neoplan Skyliner ex-Stagecoach 50141)
3: N584XSA (Volvo B10M/Plaxton Premiere ex-Stagecoach 52314)
5: VJI8684 (Leyland Leopard/Plaxton Supreme formerly SNC366X new to Mayne as 66)
Single Deckers
11: MX14FUH (ADL Enviro200 ex-Ace Travel 783)
12: YX14RZG (ADL Enviro200 ex-Ace Travel 782)
13: VAG606R (Volvo B10BLE/Alexander ALX300 ex-Stagecoach 21145)
14: R843PRG (Volvo B10BLE/Wright Renown ex-Go North East 4843) (VAG608R sold)
15: KX04HRJ (Optare Solo M920 ex-Redline of Barnsley)
16: KX04HRL (Optare Solo M920 ex-Redline of Barnsley)
17: DE04XEZ (Mercedes Vario/Plaxton Beaver ex-Townlynx)
Double Deckers
21: X279NNO (Dennis Trident/Alexander ALX400 ex-Stagecoach 17279)
22: X376NNO (Dennis Trident/Alexander ALX400 ex-Stagecoach 17270)
23: R833OVN (Volvo Olympian/Alexander RL ex-Stagecoach 16833) (R274LGH sold to Ensign)
24: R556LGH (Volvo Olympian/NC Palatine ex-Go North East 3917)
25: R781SOY (Volvo Olympian/NC Palatine 2 ex-Finglands 1782)
26: N703LTN (Volvo Olympian/Alexander RL ex-Stagecoach 16703)
27: S650KJU (Volvo Olympian/NC Palatine ex-Go North East 3917) (H728DDL sold to Cumbria Classic Coaches)
30: P476MBY (Volvo Olympian/Alexander RH)
31: J938MHC (Leyland Olympian/Alexander RL ex-Stagecoach 13612)
32: H606LNA (Leyland Olympian/Alexander RL ex-Stagecoach 13647)
33: H627LNA (Leyland Olympian/Alexander RL ex-Stagecoach 13624)